The Showground is managed on a voluntary basis by a Reserve Land Managers Board, drawn from the local community and appointed by the NSW Minister for Lands under the Crown Lands Act.
While the Land and Property Management Authority (LPMA) is chartered with overseeing the Board’s activities, it is the Land Managers that are charged with care, control and management of the showground and is responsible for looking after the facilities there. Although the Land Managers are distinct from any groups who use the grounds, User group members are nevertheless encouraged to become Land Managers by the Department.
Land Managers are required to adopt their own code of conduct which can be based around the standard model provided by the LMPA.
Our Vision
“To be a central and essential element of Bellingen community life and a leader in community governance and management of public assets”.
Our Mission
“Be a partner with the community & government delivering a sustainable social, economic and environmental future and to operate to maximum community benefit, through the encouragement of traditional, new and diverse uses of the Showground, whilst protecting and enhancing its distinct heritage.”
The Showground Land Manager Board Members
Executive Committee
Tricia Helya – Chairperson
Brenda Mitchell – Secretary
Brenda Mitchell – Treasurer
Land Managers
Dacian Moses
Cheryl Balcomb
Rob Bradford