Prior to the existence of the current Showground Reserve, The Show Society, assisted by the Tyson family, held its first show in Fernmount in the late 1800’s, moving to Connell Park for a few years until the bridge was built in 1910.
The Minister for Lands granted money for the Showground Land Managers to purchase 12 acres from the Jarrett family at sixty pounds per acre for a permanent Showground site. The showground was dedicated on 26 July 1911.
In the past two decades, Reserve activities have multiplied many times over to serve the needs of the diverse and creative community of Bellingen. The neighbouring river flats were leased by the Land Managers to accommodate this growth, providing income from agistment and vital parking and camping space for larger events.
2011 was the Centenary of the Bellingen Showground. This event was marked by a celebration together with the Bellingen Community and paid special respect to past Land Managers.