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COVID Safety Information


We take the safety of our community seriously & have Covid measures in place.

Please adhere to the new conditions & ensure you are checked in correctly.

Camping bookings are essential - pls call 0490 537 047

Pavilion Hire & General Enquiries - pls email

Coronavirus Declaration

In order to deal with the public health risk of COVID-19 and it’s possible consequences, the Public Health Order directs that caravan parks and camping grounds must maintain a register of all guests, visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days.

These records are collected in accordance with the NSW Health Checklist for COVID-19 Safety in NSW Camping Grounds and Caravan Parks and will only be used for the purpose of tracing if required and will be stored confidentially and securely.

The checklist requires guests to complete this Health Declaration form. Guests who on arrival have respiratory symptoms or fever (>37.5°), cough or sore throat, even if they only have mild symptoms, MUST NOT CAMP AT THE SHOWGROUND.

A guest who has checked in and then develops symptoms, even if only mild, will be required to :

  1. Advise the Bellingen Showground Land Manager 0473 499 720,
  2. Immediately get tested for COVID-19, and
  3. Place themselves in isolation until they have received their results.

If a guest is required to self-isolate, they will be encouraged to leave if they have somewhere else to stay. If not, they will be directed by the Camping Co-ordinator where to park, and which amenities to use if they are not self-contained. Such guests cannot share general camping amenities.

Guests are responsible for complying with Government and Public Health Order directions while on the premises including physical distancing, obeying grounds signage and ensuring maximum gathering limits are adhered to.

All guests MUST complete a guest declaration form to ensure contact tracing can occur if required.

On behalf of the Bellingen Showground Land Managers & our volunteers, please help us keep our community safe.

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